
AutoHotkey 2.0.3 instal the new version for apple
AutoHotkey 2.0.3 instal the new version for apple

AutoHotkey 2.0.3 instal the new version for apple AutoHotkey 2.0.3 instal the new version for apple

Instead of starting with 63 lines, start with about 10. I have difficulty understanding your second script and what you want to achieve. No need to ask if you can change your script. ::/Epsom::Use warm Epsom Salts soaks 20-30 minutes every two hours, or as directed.įilePath := A_MyDocuments '\AutoHotKeyScripts\URI.txt' ::/FLEX::You may use Flexeril as directed in addition to Ibuprofen for severe muscle spasm and pain. ::/disk::Take the x-ray disk given to you to your Orthopedics appointment. ::/Clar::Use Claritin OTC for allergic symptoms. ::/cont::Wash your hands frequently and practice safe contact precautions as discussed to prevent transmission to others. ::/CCM::Continue taking your current medications. Take these results to your doctor's appointment for him to review. ::/BPS::Monitor your blood pressures daily and record the results. ::/Brat::Use a bland diet of Bananas, Rice, Apple Sauce and Toast. ::/bd::Use a bland diet and advance as tolerated. ::/ABX::Antibiotics do not help viral infections. ::/ABB::Apply topical antibiotic ointment to the affected area after washing area and once or twice throughout the day. ::/ABO::Apply topical antibiotic ointment to the affected area 2-3 times a day.

AutoHotkey 2.0.3 instal the new version for apple

This is not considered a telemedicine visit. No legal formal doctor patient relationship is established. It is not intended to replace a face to face encounter with a physician. :*.disc::Please note, this website is strictly for medical advice. Send Please note that this chat does not create a doctor/patient relationship, and is not a substitute for customary medical advice and care. MsgBox 'File not found.`n`n' filePath, 'Error', 48 #Warn Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.įilePath := A_MyDocuments '\AutoHotKeyScripts\LRT.txt'

AutoHotkey 2.0.3 instal the new version for apple